Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Update from Shyla's Furever Home!

Today was a good day. No accidents!! We take Shyla out ALOT and let her drag a leash around the house. If she isn't in our sight for a few minutes (like when I need to run to the bathroom) I hook her leash over a doorknob. She has really picked at her food so I have bought Homestyle Chunks from Wal Mart. They have a cooler in the pet section. It is beef chunks, rice and vegetables that come in a stick like summer sausage. I take about a 1/2 cup, mix her dry food and she empties her dish! We did use the coupon for her treats and those she does like.
Shyla did meet Thumper. She pushed Brooke's bedroom door open the first night and was staring at her through the cage. She was getting very antsy so I told Brooke to move Thumper for now. We keep her in our computer room with the door shut. Jetta was the same way at first and now she doesn't bother with her. I told Brooke Shyla doesn't need anything else to deal with right now.
She is loving the snow. She leaps and plows her nose like a snow plow through it.

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